Observer Pattern with Goroutines: Building Signal-Like Mechanisms in Go

Using Goroutines to Craft an Observer Pattern resembling Signals

The observer pattern is a staple in event-driven programming, where an object (called the "subject") maintains a list of its dependents (observers) and notifies them of any state changes. In languages like Python, signals provide a mechanism for such decoupled components to communicate. But how can we harness Go's concurrency primitives, like goroutines, to achieve this? Let's delve into an innovative blend of the observer pattern with goroutines.

Why Goroutines for Observer Pattern?

Goroutines offer lightweight concurrent execution, making them perfect candidates to handle the dynamic addition or removal of observers and event broadcasting without stalling the main thread.

Setting the Stage: Basics of the Observer Pattern

Traditionally, the observer pattern involves:

  • Subject: Maintains a list of observers, facilitates adding or removing them, and notifies them of changes.

  • Observers: React to notifications sent by the subject.

Building the Signal-like Observer in Go

Step 1: Defining the Subject

Let's create our Subject:

type Subject struct {
    observers []chan string
    mu        sync.Mutex

func (s *Subject) AddObserver(obs chan string) {
    s.observers = append(s.observers, obs)

func (s *Subject) RemoveObserver(obs chan string) {
    for i, observer := range s.observers {
        if obs == observer {
            s.observers = append(s.observers[:i], s.observers[i+1:]...)

func (s *Subject) NotifyObservers(message string) {
    for _, observer := range s.observers {
        go func(ch chan string) {
            ch <- message

Here, we have used goroutines in NotifyObservers to concurrently send messages to all observers.

Step 2: Creating and Observing Signals

Utilizing goroutines, we'll create a signal-like observer:

func main() {
    subject := &Subject{}

    // First observer
    obs1 := make(chan string)
    go func() {
        for message := range obs1 {
            fmt.Println("Observer 1 received:", message)

    // Second observer
    obs2 := make(chan string)
    go func() {
        for message := range obs2 {
            fmt.Println("Observer 2 received:", message)

    // Broadcasting a message
    subject.NotifyObservers("Hello, Observers!")

    // Clean up (in a real-world scenario, handle with care!)

When you run the above, both observers will concurrently receive and process the message.

Handling Advanced Scenarios

With our basic setup, you can:

  • Introduce more granular notifications: Instead of a single message type, differentiate messages (using structs or different channels) to allow observers to listen for specific events.

  • Implement buffering: With buffered channels, you can send multiple messages without waiting for the receiver to be ready, providing a smoother flow.

  • Timeouts and Context: Using the context package, introduce timeouts for observer notifications, ensuring that a stalled observer doesn't impact the system.

Final Thoughts

Goroutines, with their lightweight concurrency model, offer a refreshing approach to the observer pattern, closely mimicking signal mechanisms seen in other languages. By blending design patterns with concurrency primitives, Go showcases its versatility in building efficient, decoupled, and event-driven systems. As Go continues its ascent in the software world, such innovations cement its place as a language that caters to both traditional and modern programming paradigms.
