Dive into Python's metaprogramming realm with a spotlight on decorators. Understand their functioning, unveil practical implementations, and craft custom decorators to uplift code aesthetics and reliability.

Dive into Go's powerful concurrency features to implement the observer pattern, replicating signal-like mechanisms for event-driven programming.

An in-depth exploration of go-jet, the powerful SQL builder for Go, and its pivotal role in efficient database management.

An introduction to Pelican, a powerful static site generator built on Python, and its various features and applications.

Dive into topic modelling in Python using the Gensim library, and understand how it can help organize and understand large sets of textual data.

A step-by-step guide on how to integrate Go's pprof with the Gin web framework using gin-contrib/pprof.

A guide on creating a Python-based notification service that integrates with multiple providers.

Profiling is a fundamental technique in software development that enables programmers to identify and rectify performance bottlenecks in their code. Python offers several built-in and third-party profiling tools to help developers optimize their applications.

The Adapter design pattern is a structural pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to work together. In this article, we'll explore the Adapter pattern in depth, discussing its principles, benefits, and providing advanced examples in Go.

When working with the Go programming language, developers often encounter situations where functions may return values that could be missing or have a special meaning. The Option struct pattern is a powerful approach to address this, providing a clean and idiomatic way to handle optional values and errors. In this article, we'll delve into why and how Go uses the Option struct pattern.